What doe a volunteer in Scouting look like?
We believe everyone has something to offer to Scouting! Our volunteers come from all walks of life. From the Duchess of Cambridge or Chief Scout (TV Adventurer Bear Grylls) to teachers, university students, plumbers, accountants, pharmacists, shop assistants, businessmen/women, there is no such thing as a typical volunteer!
Across Eden we have over 150 adult volunteers, but with increasing numbers of young people who want to get involved in Scouting, we need even more.
Scouting provides life-changing opportunities and adventure to both young people and adults. When someone talks to us about volunteering, we look to find a role that fits with their time and skills. We fully support flexible volunteering and if you can offer once a month, once a week, or just occasionally, we will work hard to make your time enjoyable and meaningful for you too.
Over the last few years it has been our mission to make it easier for adults to give as much or as little as they are able. It is how we change our society: “many people doing a little bit.”
Adults in Scouting support the Movement in the following ways:
- working directly with young people as Leaders, Assistant Leaders, Section Assistants and parent helpers;
- supporting other adults as volunteer managers (ie: Group Scout Leaders and Commissioners);
- looking after the administrative side of Scouting as Chairs, Secretaries, Administrators and Treasurers, etc;
- supporting Scouting as members of Scout Active Support Units, Skills Instructors, Activity Advisers, Trainers, etc