All the Explorer Scouts have been locked in the (virtual) Scout Hall. They know there are keys kept inside but do not know where. There are many locks around, can they find the keys and escape?
A pen and paper will be handy to note down the information available (and the codes once the Explorers solve them)
Play the game:
- The adult leading the activity will need to share the following hyperlink with the Explorers (maybe during an initial Zoom / video conference meeting) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFLHw9zTCyOAP5AbgQlJwC9b4_k_F3qx1bltOaF5vOjxV48w/viewform?fbzx=-816037673815226824
- The Escape room activity has been designed by South Berkshire Explorer Scouts, and is hosted on their website.
- The Explorers will then log in individually at home, using the hyperlink above, and complete the challenge.
- Give the Explorers a set amount of time (eg: 45 mins) to complete the game and then re-convene in another Zoom meeting to see how everyone got on!
Try the game yourself in advance. You may prefer to give your Explorer Scouts this alternative version of the game, which has no multiple choice answers, making it more of a challenge.
Have fun… and I do hope everyone gets out of the Scout Hut……
THANKS to South Berkshire Explorer Scouts for this fab activity!