…you’re allowed tea too!
Message your friends and schedule some times.
Think about the size of your group gatherings and also about 1:1 accountability.
Choose a chat provider such as Google Hangouts, FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom video conferencing.
Make yourself your favourite drink!
Practice active listening and don’t be distracted by other social media.
Log into your chat room.
Check in with your friends, hang out for a while, but most importantly be honest with how you are feeling with each other.
Think of others who might not have anyone to connect with and reach out to them regularly to check in with how they are doing.
Think about keeping a journal of things to talk about whilst online with others.
Reflect on how you are feeling before and after contact.
Stress and anxiety about the spread of the novel coronavirus, coupled with increased social distancing and isolation recommendations, may be affecting your mental health and that of your Scouting friends more than you realise.
If someone in a group chat says something that concerns you about their welfare and mental health, check in with them 1:1 after the call is ended and ask them about it. Most importantly let people know you are there for them if they need someone.