Compete with friends for the title of… top ‘Social Distancing’ chef!
You might not have Dave Lamb’s tongue in cheek narrative but why not sit down to common meal with some friends remotely of ‘course’…
Huck up with a few friends and agree on a regular time and day that you will all gather together and what chat software you will use such as Google Hangouts, FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom.
Agree either what dish OR same ingredients OR Country you have to start with for each week and think about how many courses you will cook.
Cook your dish, record yourselves prepping various parts of the dinner and send this on a group message or on wider social media. (wear you neckerchief and shout about #ScoutingAtHome while you do!) This is sure to give the others a laugh whilst they are getting ready their own meal!
Whist it is cooking set up your tripod and log in to your chosen software.
Sit down and enjoy each others company as you share a common meal.
Talk with each other and rate appearance and ingenuity.
Keep a score board over a number of weeks to see who comes out on top.
What new kitchen skill did you have to learn this week to complete the dish?
Decide what next weeks dish, ingredients or theme might be.
Come Dine With Me wouldn’t be the same without a bit of light entertainment mid evening. Dancers, fire blowers, fancy dress have always gone down well so think what you could do to improve your score next week!