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From 19.00 until 21.00

Minces Pies & Mandatory Safety and Safeguarding Training. What more could you want?

Category:  Adult Training

At St. Andrews Parish Centre

St Andrews Place, Penrith CA11 7XX

Eden Training Team / [email protected]

We realise that online learning doesn't suit everyone! So, why not complete your Safety & Safeguarding in a small group session, along with some festive treats!

The session completes the Safety and Safeguarding Mandatory training modules, and lasts for 3 years after completion. The session will involve using Scout Association resources to work through the learning together as a small group.

COVID: Please do not attend if you have symptoms of COVID-19, or have been diagnosed with it in the last 10 days. You must inform the course organiser if you develop COVID-19 symptoms in the 10 days after the event.


7pm - 8pm: Safety
8pm - 9pm: Safeguarding.

For those needing only one element, you are welcome to stay for both as a refresher. If not, please email [email protected] beforehand so we know when to expect you!

There are 4 people coming.

Registration is closed

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