When Scouting is at its most successful, it is often because of the skill, commitment and ability of the adults involved.
That is why the appointment of adults into appropriate roles is one of the most important responsibilities in Scouting. To help us do this we have a simple appointments process which is made up of three stages, which run alongside your induction.
Your Induction
We know that there is a lot to take in when starting Scouting as an adult either for the first time or when changing roles/Groups and we are keen that you are well supported through your first few months in particular. Where to find resources; how to navigate processes and systems; where equipment is kept; and making contacts across your Group/District; are just some questions you may have.
We have created a handy checklist for you to work through over your induction period. If you do not know which one to use, just ask your line manager:
Your Induction Mentor
Each new volunteer will be ‘mentored’ in the first few months from within their Group. This might either be a fellow leader, or your Group Scout Leader, or Line Manager. Your Mentor is a friendly face, who is on hand to answer questions; offer advice and guidance; support you with your Getting Started training modules; and signpost you to resources and contacts.
Your Mentor will run through an Induction Checklist with you to ensure you have key areas covered and know where to ask for help.
If at any point you have any queries or concerns, they will be happy to help you find what you are looking for or explain how Scouting processes work.
Stage 1: Application
During the application stage you will have a discussion with the lead volunteer, eg: Section Leader, Group Scout Leader (GSL), as to what tasks/ role you would like to do, skills you would like to use, and the time you are able to commit. We are keen to ensure that you are happy with the role/ tasks you are going to undertake and that you are not overstretching yourself in terms of time.
Your GSL will talk you through the training for the role you have agreed and how the appointments process works. You will also receive information on Safeguarding and Safety.
Your details will be put onto our volunteer database (Compass) and your line manager will completed a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) with you.
Stage 2: Approval
Route A: for all roles (except Executive Committee members, Administrators & Scout Active Support members).
Once we have received your cleared DBS check and references we will invite you to a short meeting with our Appointments Advisory Committee. The purpose of these Meetings is for the panel members to ensure that all adults applying for a role in Scouting are suitable for the appointment and understand the role/ tasks and training for which they are agreeing to.
What will happen at the meeting? Firstly, it’s nothing to worry about! The meeting will be with three experienced volunteer members of Scouting in your area and will last around 30 minutes. They will ask you questions to find out if you are aware of the values and policies of The Scout Association and that you understand the requirements of the role to which you have agreed. As soon as possible after, you will receive notification of the committee’s decision.
Route B: for Executive Committee members, Administrators and Scout Active Support members
For Executive Committee members:
Your Scout Council (normally at the Annual General Meeting), will approve your election or nomination.
For co-opted members of Executive Committees or Administrators: Your Executive committee will approve your appointment.
For members of Scout Active Support:
Your Scout Active Support Manager will approve your appointment.
A list of the adult roles that do and do not need to attend a meeting with the appropriate Appointments Advisory Committee can be found in the appointments process section of the current edition of The Policy, Organisation and Rules (PO&R) of The Scout Association which can be found at: www.scouts.org.uk/por
Stage 3: Appointment
Once your role has been approved (using route A or B), you will then move to the appointment stage of the process. In this stage, you will complete your Getting Started induction training and learn more about training opportunities and ongoing learning. At the end of this stage (within 5 months) you should have completed the process and be ready to fully take on your role with support and guidance from your Group.